Friday, June 18, 2010

Please Mr. Boss Man I Need This Job More Than You Know

Hey everybody. Going to try to keep up with my commitment to Sara to actually post semi-regularly. We will see how that goes.
Things have been good. The wifey and I were traveling for a couple weeks and got back on Sunday. Spent about a week in Greece, couple days in Berlin and almost a week in Croatia. Good trip all around. Decent amount of beach time. I went from transparent white to a color I would describe as eggshell. Been grinding it out at work this week but I have a decent break on the horizon in that I will be taking a few weeks of leave from mid-July to mid-August which I am looking forward to. Spending some time in the 'ol US and A.
This track has been following me around for the last couple months and I figure it deserves a post. Stonesthrow stand up!

Still haven't seen the show but I will put it on the to-watch list. Finishing up the sixth season of The Shield and its pretty awesome.
Watched the US get robbed in the World Cup today by this man.

Eat it buddy.
Grind hard.

1 comment:

Kia said...

USA! USA! And good luck keeping up with Sara's blog posting, she's a blog-postin' animal!! :)