Thursday, June 24, 2010

Me And These Is Like ET And Reeses' Pieces

So Chinese comment spammers suck. That's right, I said it. You all suck, eat it. I turned on comment moderation for the blog to try to curb the flow of links to Chinese pseudo-porn. We will see how long I put up with comment moderation. It might be time to switch blogging platforms. Maybe I should get a domain too. That would solve a lot of my photo hosting problems. Then again, I am lazy and will probably just deal with having to approve Nelson's fashion comments and my dad making fun of me.
Work is ape, I shouldn't be blogging so I will get back to it.
West, west y'all.


Unknown said...

Your own domain with WordPress would be sweet! Akismet does a good job of catching the Chinese porn comments.

robert said...

Just so you know, I can no longer post comments because Google doesn't recognize my account, my user name or password.

robert said...

Just so you know, I can no longer post comments because Google doesn't recognize my account, my user name or password.

robert said...

Just so you know, I can no longer post comments because Google doesn't recognize my account, my user name or password.